Why ENVO-DAN weed control works efficiently?

ENVO-DAN weed control works and is the solution for organic farming “QUALITY IS WHEN SOMETHING WORKS”. “WHEN SOMETHING WORKS, why NOT bring it to everyone?” Ole B. Jensen“A BETTER GOAL THAN SEEKING RADICAL REFORM IS TRYING TO IMPROVE THE HIGHLY...


APPLICATIONS OF ROBOTICS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN THE AGRI-FOOD SECTORGreat reception at the National Forum on Robotic Applications and Artificial Intelligence applied to the agri-food sector, which was held on 14 September at CIFP VIÑALTA...

Up to 97% success rate for weed control in maize crops with ENVO-DAN’s E-Therm Selekt

ENVO-DAN in row weed burner E-Therm Selekt best solution for farmers in maize cultivation. In organic maize production, a selective method of weed control in the row is needed after crop emergence. In conventional maize, row burning can be an IPM...

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If you have problems with weeds in:

Weeds challenge in onion fields

Weeds challenge in onion fields

Onions, unlike some other crops, develop very little leaf material. In crops where a canopy is formed, leaf material is very useful in suppressing...

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