Organic farming opens the door to healthier and safer choices
Do we really take into consideration the origin of food and primary production when choosing what to eat? What happens in the agro-food chain matters for the food we eat?
The agro-food chain is a set of actions and actors that are technically and economically related, from primary production (raw material) to the consumer, including packaging, industrialization, and distribution processes. In short, the agri-food chain is the chain of linked events in the production of food, from ‘farm to fork’.
The different links in the food chain must assume their own responsibility.
ENVO-DAN supports organic products. Our product range of E-Therm and E-Therm Selekt do not use chemicals.

At the first level of the food chain are the primary producers, and at the last level are the consumers who buy and consume this food.
1. Primary production in the food chain – agriculture, stockbreeding, hunting, and fishing
Primary production is the first link in the chain and corresponds to the production or farming of land products, livestock, hunting, and fishing, i.e. the “raw material”.
2. Production of foodstuff in the food industry
The food industry is responsible for the production of foodstuff from the raw materials that arrive from primary production. The industry undertakes processing and enforces quality checks and food standards.
3. Logistic and distribution of foodstuff
Logistics and big distributors collect, transports, and store raw materials from primary production to the entire food supply chain.
4. Distribution and sales to the consumers of foodstuff
Food reaches consumers through distribution and sales. Supermarkets allow customers to have a choice and compare products.
5. The consumers have a choice – to buy organic or conventional produced food
This the last link in the food chain and also has important responsibilities in ensuring food safety. The consumer has the final say. And they have the option to choose responsibly. Organics.

Glyphosate contamination in food goes far beyond oat products
Glyphosate was detected in all of the wheat-based foods. Pasta samples contained glyphosate at levels ranging from 60 to 150 parts per billion. Cereal samples had lower levels, with most just above the limit of detection, possibly due to the variety of wheat used or cross contamination.
Glyphosate residues in food and drink are one of the main sources of exposure for children to this chemical. This is because it cannot be washed or cooked off. In addition, children are more likely to come into contact with it at school, parks, playgrounds, and with pets. They eat, drink, and breathe more per unit of body weight than adults. A few studies that have reported exposure in both children and adults indicate that children have higher levels of glyphosate in bio fluids than adults. The reasons for this distinction are unclear but may be due to relative intake of contaminated food and water as well as differences in metabolism and elimination.
Childhood cancer rates are on the rise.
Glyphosate is all around us
Baby formula: Soy formula is chosen by about 25 % of parents who feed their babies formula milk. Here we find the highest levels of glyphosate.
Children’s foods: Infant foods containing rice, wheat, or oats are likely to contain glyphosate.
Children’s cereals: A 2018 study published by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) found glyphosate in every sample of popular oat-based cereal and other oat-based foods marketed to children that they tested.
Snacks: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found extremely high levels of glyphosate in the following popular snacks: Cheerio’s, Stacy’s Pita Chips, Doritos Cool Ranch, and Back to Nature Crispy Cheddar Crackers.

Fast food chains and restaurants: A new round of food testing commissioned by GMO Free USA found that glyphosate and its breakdown product or metabolite, aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA), are ubiquitous in foods served by major restaurants and fast-food chains in the US.
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Ole Bo Jensen, Owner ENVO-DAN